Once upon a time, in a small village nestled in the hills, there lived a group of friends. Their names were Lily, Max, Ruby, Oliver, and Emily. They spent their days exploring the forest, playing games, and laughing together.
One day, while they were playing hide-and-seek, Max suddenly disappeared. The friends searched high and low but could not find him. They began to worry that something terrible had happened to their dear friend.
The friends decided to split up and search for Max in different parts of the forest. Ruby and Emily went to the west, while Oliver and Lily took the east. They searched all day, but there was no sign of Max.
As the sun began to set, the friends met up in the middle of the forest. They were exhausted and discouraged. Just then, they heard a soft whistle coming from behind a nearby tree. They crept closer and peeked around the trunk.
To their surprise, they saw Max sitting there with a big grin on his face. He had been hiding from them all day, having found a secret spot in the forest where he could be alone and think.
The friends were relieved and happy to be reunited. They all hugged each other tightly and promised to always stick together, no matter what. From that day forward, they made a pact to always communicate openly and never let fear and worry get in the way of their friendship.
The end.