Once upon a time, in a magical land far, far away, there lived three best friends – Lily, Rose, and Daisy. They were inseparable and loved spending time with each other. However, they had one big problem – their names always caused confusion.
One day, while wandering in the woods, they stumbled upon a magical tree. It was a beautiful tree with golden leaves and a trunk that sparkled like diamonds. As they approached the tree, they heard a soft whisper, “Welcome, young ones. I am the tree of names. I can grant your wish of having unique names.”
Excited and intrigued, the three friends wished for new names. The tree granted their wish, but with a catch – they would have to solve a riddle to get their new names.
The riddle was complex, and they had to travel to different parts of the magical land to find the answers. They faced many obstacles and challenges, but they didn’t give up. They used their wit and intelligence to solve the riddle and finally arrived at the tree.
The tree was pleased with their efforts and granted them new names. Lily became Lila, which meant “night,” Rose became Rowan, which meant “little red one,” and Daisy became Dahlia, which meant “valley.”
Now, with their unique names, they no longer faced confusion. They were thrilled with their new identities and went on to have many more adventures together.
From that day on, Lila, Rowan, and Dahlia were known throughout the magical land for their intelligence, bravery, and friendship. They lived happily ever after, never forgetting their journey to discover their true identities.