Plugin Name: Shipper Author: Incsub 1.2.16 - 2024-02-06 - Enhance: Visual Improvements - Enhance: Update Twitter Logo - Enhance: Adjust Summary Box Logo - Enhance: Redirect to dashboard instead of settings 1.2.15 - 2023-07-31 - Fix: Issue with unrecognized database host - Fix: Compatibility with PHP version 8.0 and up tested 1.2.14 - 2023-03-15 - New: Updated plugin admin icon - Improvement: Security issues 1.2.13 - 2022-09-28 - Improvement: Enhanced membership detection 1.2.12 - 2022-04-04 - New: Added "Google Login" support 1.2.11 - 2021-11-03 - Improvement: White labeling support 1.2.10 - 2021-11-01 - Improvement: Academy links removed 1.2.9 - 2021-05-18 - New: Documentation links tracking - Fix: jQuery compatibility with WP 5.8 - Fix: Fatal Error on Windows host - Fix: Cross sign added before email ID while adding new user - Fix: Missing placeholder in File Exclusions Filter 1.2.8 - 2021-03-25 - New: Show Shipper logs on package building modal. - New: Implement AJAX search functionality for sub-sites selection. - New: Add option to exclude WordPress core files on migration. - New: Add option to exclude email addresses from being replaced after migration. - New: Add the Go Back button to the Pre-flight modal for better usability. - Fix: Compatibility issue with Beaver Page Builder. - Fix: Remove all multisite constant for sub-site to single-site migration. - Fix: Do not migrate wp-config.php for API migration option doesn't work properly. - Fix: Network settings get lost on sub-site to single-site migration. - Improvement: Network migration description copy. - Improvement: Migrate all the links to 1.2.7 - 2021-03-08 - Fix: Choose destination arrow button moves up when the button is clicked. - Fix: Restore doesn't process when fetch database credentials from the config file is selected. 1.2.6 - 2021-03-03 - New: Add Shipper tutorials. - New: Add HTML template for email notification. - New: Add detailed file exclusion rules on the file exclusion modal. - New: Suggest Package migration once the API migration preflight check is stuck. - New: Add a notification not to rename package files. - New: Show suggestion on pre-flight check regarding safe mode. - Fix: Shipper is not working on the flywheel live site. - Fix: Update Shared UI to the latest version. - Fix: Shipper doesn't work well with WPML enabled site. - Fix: Blank screen is showing after canceling the API migration. - Fix: API migration doesn't migrate any content when the existing prefix is chosen. - Fix: Wildcard file exclusion is not working for package migration. - Fix: Shipper version doesn't match with HUB when the shipper is updated or installed without removing the existing plugin. - Improvement: Rewrote the description for network migration. - Improvement: Change X to Cancel button to make it more clear to the user. 1.2.5 - 2021-01-25 - Fix: Shipper package can't be restored on localhost such as MAMP, WAMP, etc. - Fix: Responsive issue on the package download screen. - Fix: Package migration doesn't work on password-protected sites. - Fix: While downloading a package, the site goes down or timeout if the package is large. - Fix: Some typos in error messages. - Fix: Installer.php file size is static instead of dynamic. - Fix: Character encoding issue after migration on some site. - Fix: Package migration is not replacing the custom menu URL when some URL has SSL and some are not. - Fix: Dashboard shows `Creating Package` even if there is no package creation in progress. - Fix: Subsite media files are missing on the whole network package migration. - Fix: Format logs for package migration installer. 1.2.4 - 2021-01-13 - Feat: Add safe mode for package migration, so that Shipper can work well on low-budget hosts. - Improvement: Speed up the API migration process. - Improvement: Add which file is successfully added to the zip archive and which doesn't in the shipper log. - Fix: On sub-site migration, all the media of other subsites are also getting exported. - Fix: Shipper eating up the whole server storage, and crashing the site. - Fix: After migration, the parent theme is getting activated instead of the child theme. - Fix: WPMU DEV user is unable to add new users in Shipper. - Fix: Fatal error on running installer.php on PHP 5.6 sites in some edge cases. - Fix: If the domain mapping plugin is activated on the source site, the destination site gets down after migrating a subsite through package migration. - Fix: The error message is not styled properly on the package migration settings page. 1.2.3 - 2020-11-30 - Fix: Make Shipper compatible with PHP 8.0 1.2.2 - 2020-11-23 - Improvement: Speedup package migration process. - Feat: Add logs to detect which table is exporting. - Fix: Exclude shipper-working dir by default on running installer.php on destination site. - Fix: If there are negative values in pagination settings then Large files are not showing on the Preflight screen. - Fix: Pagination result count is not correct when the filter is applied on the preflight check. - Fix: Both Shipper and Whitelabel logo are showing up on the preflight check of API migration. - Fix: Package migration fails on local by flywheel sites. - Fix: Skip WordPress default meta_key transformation on Package Migration. 1.2.1 - 2020-10-22 - Improvement: Speed up database task for package migration. - Improvement: Change API Migration connect to WPMU DEV experience. - Fix: Shipper doesn't show all the sub-sites to choose from and search field doesn't work. - Fix: Back button is not working on the Ready to Ship page. - Fix: Package migration fails when the source site has duplicator plugin installed. - Fix: The migration date-time on the dashboard doesn't match with the current timezone. - Fix: Typo in export and import succession email. - Fix: Some text is not visible in high contrast mode on the Permission page. - Fix: Cancellation on pre-flight issues screen, bring back pre-flight check to 99%. - Fix: Documentation link is missing in package migration and settings Page. 1.2.0 - 2020-09-08 - Add: Migrate a subsite from a multisite network to a single site - Add: Highlight new features in the welcome modal - Fix: Shipper is loading itself on every page load in wp-admin and on frontend - Fix: Shipper using up all the disk space - Fix: Deleted admin user is able to access Shipper plugin - Fix: Some sites are not showing up on the site selection modal when user has more than 20 websites - Fix: Package migration fails due to MySQL can not compare float like value - Fix: Exclude large file doesn't work on flywheel site -Improvement: Update SUI to latest version (2.9.6) 1.1.6 - 2020-08-20 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix: WordPress 5.5 compatibility issues - Fix: Shipper whitelabel image is not working in the dashboard page - Fix: Escape {{ character with double backslash to be used in MySQL 8.0 - Fix: Package migration fails if there are extra tables (unknown DB prefix) in source site - Fix: Sometimes null value replaced with 0 in MySQL resulting duplicate entry issue - Fix: Documentation link on migration wizard page pointing to wrong url - Improvement: shinst_is_multisite function regex so that it ignores commented out lines 1.1.5 - 2020-07-20 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix: Shipper password verification fails on some hosts 1.1.4 - 2020-07-13 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Add: Shipper Dashboard to quickly run the migration and see migration states. - Add: Ask for the WPMU DEV password before fetching the connected sites in the API migration. - Improvement: Improve the estimated time of arrival (ETA) for API migration. - Improvement: Some UI improvements in various places. - Fix: Some users still seeing old Shipper character. - Fix: Package Migration > View Logs link doesn't work on multisite. - Fix: High contrast mode doesn't apply properly to some of the plugin elements. - Fix: Remove PHP warning when API migration import is in progress. - Fix: All the media items aren't transferred well with API migration. - Fix: Migration Filters (files, database, and advanced) are not working properly. - Fix: Destination Database Prefix doesn't change even if the user wants to. - Fix: Plugins and media exclusion doesn't work properly. - Fix: Remove Storage Directory and Exclude from package build options from Package migration settings. 1.1.2 - 2019-23-12 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix: Installer.php doesn't work properly on some hosts because of missing the function mysqli_fetch_all 1.1 - 2019-12-03 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Add: Introducing a new non-API based migration method called Package Migration. You can now create a package (.zip) of your website that you can upload to your server and follow an installation wizard to complete the migration. - Add: Advanced filters added to API Migrations method and Package migration method. - Add: Ability to use a custom database prefix while migrating your websites. - Improvement: The speed and stability of API migrations. API method has become a lot faster when resources are available on a host but fall back to the slower but reliable migration algorithm when resources are not available on a host. - Fix: Some plugin's settings were not being migrated properly. 1.0.2 - 2018-05-14 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Add: Add a method to rerun pre-flight check in every tab - Add: Auto-remove site from the Shipper API on plugin removal - Add: Automatically fetch latest API for new sites on install - Add: Support Whitelabel in Shipper - Add: Additional dashboard login check messages - Fix: Improve restore reliability by solving conflict with plugins - Fix: Fix multiple S3 object instantiations - Fix: Deprecate Add Destination modals - Fix: Improve the error states in pre-flight check - Fix: Notice content aligment in the Welcome to Shipper popup - Fix: Improved Export -> Ready to Migrate screen layout - Fix: Update the Ready to Sail status on issues addressed - Fix: Deprecate Continue Anyway button in the Requirement Failed modal - Fix: Update the Shipper character - Fix: Placement of Back buttons - Fix: Update copy of Package Size pre-flight check - Fix: Remove Greeting modal if it's not the users first website - Fix: Update the package size on excluding the large files - 2018-03-22 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix: add cooldown time for credentials negotiation. - Fix: add exponential backoff times for API communication failures. 1.0.1 - 2018-03-05 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Add: investigate password protection detection - Add: migration health check notifications - Add: a way to remove a site that from the list - Add: support for including/excluding wp-config - Add: support for not replacing source domains in emails - Fix: treat themes as active content, like plugins - Fix: conflict with Amazon Web Services - Fix: migrations involving object cache - Fix: conflict with Mollie Payments for WooCommerce - Fix: default config deployments 1.0.0 - 2018-01-22 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Initial release 38664-1733526892-ai